Thursday, January 3, 2008

Tag, I'm It!


What is his name?

Daniel Vincent Parkinson. He went by his middle name for the first few years of his life. No offense mom, but I'm glad when I met him he was Dan and not Vince.

How long have you been together?

Christmas day was 3 1/2 years from when we got married.

How long did you date?

We dated for about five months, and were engaged for an additional three.

How old his he?

He turnded 30 on September 27. My birthday is just a day before his....but we're almost 5 years apart.

Who eats more?

Depends. I can definitely hold my own unfortunately. He doesn't really over eat a ton, so I guess I'd have to answer neither.

Who said I love you first?

Uh, that would be me. He's not the most verbally expressive person. I didn't care who said it first, as long as it was reciprocated.

Who is taller?

Dan is, although I wish he was a little bit taller, I wish he was a baller, I wish...just kidding. He's tall enough for me, I just hope that our children get some "Burger genes" - my dad is 6'4" and my brother is 6'6". Dan says the same thing, although he DOES NOT want the "burger chicken calves" - and I agree, Parkinson boys do have nice legs! (I think that was one of the first compliments my mother gave Dan when we were dating - he was prob more embarrased than I was!)

Who can sing better?

Dan definitely. He'd argue not that I can (because we both know I'm horrendous) but that he can't. He only says that because he can't read music that well. But I say it doens't matter - it's what comes out that matters!

Who is smarter?

We both have our smarts in different areas. In fact MANY areas - our kids are probably going to be genius'. haha

Who does the laundry?

I do. The other nite Dan complained that he didn't know how to fold the kids' clothes and I replied, that's b/c you've never had to. He actually did a very good job. Although that's my area, Dan is always willing to help out if I ask.

Who pays the bills?

Mostly me. He's got a few things set up on-line that are automatic, but everything else I take care of. That job is much easier than making sure that there's enough money each month - thanks for all the hard work you do honey!

Who sleeps in the right side?

He does. It only switches when we move to a new place and the left side puts me closest to the door - you know, where someone could grab me in the middle of the night. Yeah yeah, I know, I'm a "scarredy cat."

Who mows the lawn?

He does. He's quite proud of the grass. I do the other stuff, like flowers and shrubs and stuff. We had a pretty good looking yard this year!

Who cooks dinner?

I do, most of the time. He's good to help out and be okay with pizza or a burger if I got too lazy. That's one area that I really have a hard time with, but I would love it if I could make dinners a high priority.

Who drives?

He does. I'm with Lu - we could drive cross country, and he'd turn down every offer from me to help out and drive. I think he just thinks that's his job.

Who is more stubborn?

Hmm. Well, Dan definitely likes to be right - does that make him stubborn? I don't think so, b/c neither one of us likes to argue just to beat OUR point in to the other one's head. We're both pretty open-minded, but probably me more so than him.

Who kissed who first?

I would have to say that he kissed me, although I was ready and waiting. I did have some pretty specific conditions that I wanted met for our first kiss, and he obliged.

Who asked who out first?

Well we met through mutual friends and it took two meetings for either one of us to be excited about eachother. I guess he asked me out first b/c he got my number and called me. He insists it wasn't the day after our second meeting but it DEFINITELY was! haha

Who proposed?

He did. He took me up to the top of a mountain on a snowmobile, said some really beautiful things and knelt on one knee. It was a day I'll never forget.

Who has more friends?

That's kind of a tough one. We aren't the most gregarious people, however we do each have a core group of amazing supportive people in our lives. Unfortunately, half of mine are out of state. We spend most of our time with his crowd, although I love them all to pieces too. I do have some amazing friends in my neighborhood that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Who is more sensitive?

Um, hello, pretty sure I'm the one with the double x chromosome. I know, there are some sensitive men out there, but my husband - nope, not one of them. I'm not sure if I wish Dan was more sensitive, or just more sensitive to my sensitivities! Having said that, it has been really special to see Dan's soft spot grow with our children. He is a truly wonderful father and I'm glad that they're helping him develop some of those "softer" attributes.

Who has more siblings?

Dan does. He's the second to last of five children. I'm the middle child of three. I love that he comes from a big family and I absolutley love them all. They welcomed me from the beginning and I'm glad that he and I have them in our lives.

Who wears the pants?

We both do, although sometimes I wear a skirt - he never does. We're actually a really good team. We both know what eachother's strengths and areas of expertise are with regards to our family and our home, and depending on the situation and circumstance, we'll both take the reigns when needed.

I tag Cammi, Liz, Casee, Katie, & Jamie


Lucrecia said...

I love your answers. I just have to ask what your first kiss requirements were...?

Casee said...

I really enjoyed reading this... It was fun to learn more about your relationship with Dan. I am up to the challenge! And I am with Lucrecia, what were these requirements? I lived with you then and I don't even know!

Jamie said...

That is the longest tag ever, but you wrote like paragraphs for almost all of them. I will do it, after this next blog I post. Intersting to hear some of those things, it reminded me of Bryce on some of those answers.

Elizabeth said...

All right, I have a favorite line from yours too (I read Casee's and had a favorite line):

"Um, hello, pretty sure I'm the one with the double x chromosome."

There were a couple lines in this that totally made me laugh and sounded like you, through and through.

Okay, I'll do it. Just give me a day or two. :)


Unknown said...

Love you girl!!! And I miss you tons! Call me and we'll plan a double date or something....

Anonymous said...

hey sista i wanted to send ya a quick note to see how your doing and i figured since your addicted to your blog, that this would be the best way to try and reach ya. so all is good out here in paradise. ive been really busy though... i mean i have to wake up every morning at like 10, then get right up and head to the beach where i then have to lay for hours on end cathing rays and getting all sorts of tan (except yesterday i got dang burned because my black parents only brought SPF 15 with them...) Anwyays, i went over to the Ritx last night and used their luxorious spa for awhile. It was awesome! Then i browsed through all of their conference rooms and helped myself to the leftover food, cookies, and candy that people left. Dad was greatful for that as i brought him back some chocolate chip cookies. tonight we are going out to Calipso Grill for my bday dinner. so im pretty stoked about that. anywho like i said sista ive got a lot to doo today like go but 30 SPF sunscree, lay on the beach, get tan, and swim in the beautiful carribean ocean. oh that reminds me hows the weather out there? dont worry ill bring some sand home for you so you can have a glimpse of what it was like down here... hey you should check leigh and matts blog out and add them to your peeps list.
love ya love ya love ya and i cant wait to see you when i get back and i wish you were here!

Jamie said...

update your blog, would you :)
I just saw you so I know what you have been up to. Miss you though

Matt said...

hey R,
this is leigh, megs friend. I just put a link to your blog because your family is so cute and its nice to see pics every once in awhile. Hope all is going well.
leigh williams

Matt said...

hey R,
this is leigh, megs friend. I just put a link to your blog because your family is so cute and its nice to see pics every once in awhile. Hope all is going well.
leigh williams

Casee said...

Where are you? I miss you! And why haven't you called me back?! Just kidding, hope to hear from you soon!

Lucrecia said...

Dude, update your freaking blog will you? You better take some good pics on your cruise and have lots of stories to share or I just can't be your friend anymore!

The Moore Family said...

ok time for an update!!!!!!

Jill said...

Hey Ray.. Maybe this is the way we can communicate but is it better than phone tag? I had no idea you had a Blog.. I am so glad I go blog surfing on other people's blogs... you are guilty of it too right? :) anyway I love ya! You guys are so cute!! Lets get together soon ok? Zach is 8 months and you haven't seen him yet (I know it's my fault) but still! :) Call me!! Check out our blog I just finished updating it today!