Wednesday, March 12, 2008

No, you're not dreaming!

That's right everyone - a new post from me! I am sorry for being gone so long. Truth be told, I was busy doing other things, like quilting, exercising, and oh, did I mention my 8 day cruise in the Caribbean. I guess not, seeing as my last entry was Jan. 3. Sheesh, I really am a slacker.

So, I'll try to catch up. Let's see, on January 4th....just kidding. Abbreviated version: Right around the time of my last entry, Dan and I decided that we needed to drop a few lbs before we went on this family vacation. We were both pretty successful, although I still need to keep it up. Having two babies in two years did my body zero favors:) We watched what we ate, cut out pizza (sniff sniff) and for Dan, Carl's Jr. We didn't drink any soda and didn't have any desserts or sweets. We also worked out as much as we could. That's not always easy with Kailey and Owen running around, not to mention, dinner that needs to be cooked, a house that needs to be clean, and bills that need to be paid. We would often joke that it's a shame we couldn't be paid to work out. I mean how nice would that be? So anyway, that's that. I also took up quilting as a hobby. Dan bought me a sewing machine for Christmas, so I've been busy with that. I'll post some pics of my projects, so you can see how awesome I am. Just kidding, I am definitely a beginner, but it's been a lot of fun!
Kailey and Owen are doing great. Owen is now 9 mos old and Kailey will be two the end of April. Oh yeah, that reminds me of something else that has been taking up my time. See I couldn't very well get on my computer when a lot of my time has been spent on the potty. No, not me, but Kailey. Of course, I've been right by her side, encouraging every little drop of pee or every piece...okay, I'll stop. That's right, Kailey's potty trained. I can't even remember when it started, but I bet it's almost been two months now. Although, #2 was a LONG time coming. In fact, I bet we're on week two of poo in the potty. It is so nice though! I love not having to change two sets of diapers multiple times a day. She's such a big girl. Her vocabulary is growing daily, and it's so fun for Dan and me to converse with her and hear what interesting things she'll mimic and learn each new day. She really is the biggest joy in our life. Owie is doing great. He has been walking around furniture for a while now, and can use those walkers really well. It sure will be nice to have him walking. He loves music - Kailey is always wanting to have a dance party and he just bops along.

Well I just got pulled away from this to help Kailey with something, and then Owie starting whining, so I decided it's nap time for both of them. Maybe now I'll actually be able to concentrate on this entry. I'm sure it's a mess. I need to talk about my cruise too, but that will be a separate entry. I've got to go through my pics and figure out which ones I want to use. So until then!


Elizabeth said...

Wow, I can't believe that Kailey is potty trained and she isn't even two yet! I was actually thinking about that yesterday or today (I can't remember!) -- when I would potty train -- and thinking that I don't even think they are even CLOSE to being ready yet. It would be fantastic to have them out of diapers before I have another one, but I guess we'll just have to see. I want to know how you did it!

And I am excited to hear about your cruise and see pics, you hot mama, you!

And I really resonate with that whole bit about getting anything done besides just the day-to-day tasks. It's hard keeping up with everything, huh? I think so!

Elizabeth said...

p.s. I am glad you're back!

Elizabeth said...

Sparkles. ;)

Casee said...

So glad you are back, I have missed you. Wow, you are an awesome Momma getting Kailey potty-trained already! Sounds fun to have her and Owen growing up and being able to communicate a little better and be more mobile. I am excited to hear more about your trip and of course see photos. Oh and way to go on getting trimmer, that is awesome! Let's get together soon.

larrasheppard said...

Wow, you finally updated your blog haha. Its good to have you back.

Lucrecia said...

I'm so glad you updated your blog. I think Larra was on the verge of breaking up with you! Even though I see you everyday I love reading your entries. It's almost like peeking inside your brain :)

Anonymous said...

so nice to see inside your life in text....helps me remember the parts that I was there for.....

Heidi said...

Yeah for you! Good to see your update!