So, we've been pretty busy the last couple of days working on our house. I decided that it needed a little color in the kitchen. So, I surprised Dan while he was at the Jazz game and started painting! I brought the color from our living room, into the dining room. It's a real warm, tan. But I also wanted a bright color in the kitchen - maybe a blue. So, the next night I worked on that. I did it while Dan was at work. Do you notice a pattern here....yeah, Dan doesn't like to paint, plus I don't really think he trusts my judgement quite yet, so I'd rather have a project finished before he sees any part of it, or says anything for that matter:) But, luckily, he loves it. Atleast now he does. I ended up re-painting the kitchen. The first blue looked too much like it belonged in Owie's room. The second color is much better. I have to give credit to my sister, because she was the only one who I think was completely honest with their opinion. My good friends said it was "fine," which it was, but I didn't want "fine." Anyway, Megan came over and said it was awful and that I need to paint again. Well at that point I was so sick of painting, even though I knew she was right. She agreed to help me, so we headed off to the paint store and got it done before - you guessed it - Dan got home from work. He thinks I'm crazy by the way:) I've attached a picture so you can see the two colors. (not the baby blue, but the new blue, and the biege.
Nice Huh?
We also completed another project to liven up our kitchen. We did...drumroll please...our backsplash! All by ourselves! Well that's not entirely true. Curtis helped us quite a bit, and our good "handy" friends, Jay R and Larra came over for a little backsplash 101. It wasn't too bad, and I think it made Dan feel really good to do something with his hands, and it looks SO GOOD! We love our kitchen now! Again, I surprised Dan while he was at mutual (dan's the Young Men's president) and grouted it. He was pretty impressed, and I'm not going to lie, so was I! It wasn't too bad, but I was stressed the whole time thinking it was going to turn our crappy, b/c I had no idea what I was doing. The grout bag, didn't even have instructions on it - just some picture messages, that I had a hard time making heads or tails of. I had to call Larra a couple of times just so she could "hold me hand" over the phone. It turned out awesome though, and Dan said it was a really great surprise. Check us out!
Rhianna what has gotten into you? How can you paint that much so quickly and with two kids??? I wish I could paint my house. it looks good, I can't wait to see the whole kitchen area when we are down there next. The backsplash looks good too.
OH MY GOSH! It's beautiful!!! I totally love that blue. Man we need to paint our whole freakin house I swear! Maybe I should hire you. ha ha.
are you sure that makeover crew didn't come to your house? You were out of town weren't you?
Truthfully - it looks fabulous...can't wait to see in person.....
Dear, it looks great! I am so impressed by your skills, maybe when we get a house, you can help us with our home improvement projects? Way to go!
Wow, I am so impressed! It looks great...paint, backsplash, everything. That is awesome!
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